On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 04:01:20PM -0700, Sam Leffler wrote:
> You will not be able to reproduce the problem because the code in 6.1R
> ignored beacon misses (and a lot of other things).

I see.

> The stuck scan is not fatal; the driver just resets the card.  It's
> caused by a firwmare problem that I never got around to dealing with
> ('cuz it wouldn't change the overall operation of the driver).

Well, losing the connection for 30 seconds every 3 minutes is rather
annoying - if not fatal.

> The basic problem is your card is losing sync w/ the ap.  I don't know
> what the local conditions are but I've seen this a lot w/ iwi; there's
> nothing we can do in the driver if you want to be able to roam.

The problem should be solvable in software - the Linux ipw2200 driver
doesn't have these problems when using the same AP.

Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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