On Sun, 2006-Jul-30 17:52:27 +1000, Ian Smith wrote:
>Peter, I don't know if this is likely helpful or not, but my Compaq is a
>1500c with an ESS ES1869, reporting (on 5.4-RELEASE):
>sbc0: <ESS ES1869 (Compaq OEM)> at port 0x330-0x331,0x388-0x38b,0x220-0x22f 
>irq 5 drq 5,1 on isa0
>pcm0: <ESS 18xx DSP> on sbc0
>I too have in kernel:
> device          sound
> device          snd_sbc                 # ES1869 (Compaq OEM)
>but after much headscratching it only finally worked after adding:
> snd_ess_load="YES"      # this fixed it .. bridge driver for ESS

That worked, thank you.  The man pages are not the clearest here.
snd_ess(4) implies that all three drivers are needed but snd_sbc(4)
has no reference to it - which is what confused me.

Peter Jeremy

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