Doug Barton wrote:
 > Tom Hummel wrote:
 > > alright, it was bash :( stupid shell.
 > Um, sorry, let's not blame the shell for the BCK (between chair and
 > keyboard) problem. Lots of us use bash as our everyday shell (for privileged
 > and unprivileged users) without the kinds of problems you described. The
 > first thing I do when I install a new freebsd machine is to change root's
 > shell to /bin/sh, and copy over my customized .profile which either execs
 > bash if it finds it, or sets up sh with my aliases, etc.

That's what "su -m" is good for.  No need to change root's
login shell or to copy anything over.  (Actually I even
have an alias su="su -m" so it works automagically.)

Best regards
   Oliver  (zsh user)

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD:
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

 > Can the denizens of this group enlighten me about what the
 > advantages of Python are, versus Perl ?
"python" is more likely to pass unharmed through your spelling
checker than "perl".
        -- An unknown poster and Fredrik Lundh
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