Hello Alban,

Friday, September 15, 2006, 9:44:07 AM, you wrote:

> On Sep 15, 2006, at 24:34, hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:
>>>> Hahahahaha... That's ironic...
>>> That wasn't meant to be ironic. Years of experience and  
>>> observations of development lead to this conclusion.
>> RIght. All i can say, though, is that someone that doesn't know any  
>> better would probably not think "Oh! That means that upgrades are  
>> possible between releases, and not that my system will actually  
>> run, or anything!"
>> It just seems it'd be quite a cause of confusion.

> So, actually Microsoft may be correctly claiming that WindowsXP is  
> more stable than Linux. That it spontaneously reboots as soon as I  
> bore it isn't related at all...

Your Windows must be really badly broken, because my Windows XP
spontaneously rebooted only once in those many years I have been using
it. In my opinion, XP is pretty decent system.

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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