Danny Braniss wrote:

Hey all,

I don't know if this is pre 6.2 specific but I changed my /etc/tty for device ttyd0 to 'on' from 'off' and when I rebooted the pc I couldn't login via regular KVM console, just don't get a login. The more alarming thing was that while it appeared everything was booting up from the boot up messages on the screen, I couldn't remotely log into the server in fact it appears the machine didn't bring up the Ethernet device as I couldn't even ping it. As soon as I switched the ttyd0 back to 'off' and rebooted it I could ssh back into the server etc.
I have a regular kernel and 1 jail and samba on this machine.

This might just be a ports thing but on another 6.2 server I setup a jailed mail server with courier imap and I have noticed that it fails to build the courier-imap port with FAM support. I tried also installing the gamin FAM alternative which builds ok but I get signal 11 when I try to login to the imap server.

Does anyone else have these problems?

I've been having this for a very long time, if the serial port does
not realy exist - i don't know the technical wording for this -,

if the kernel detected the sio hardare, but it's not realy
wired, then it the kernel will hang when getty will try to open it.


OK good then its not just me, yes I haven't checked if the serial port is actually enabled in the bios, still I think its quite ordinary to have a machine basically fully hang up just because theres no active serial port. With no network or serial (unless you can enable/find it hardware side) I had to boot from the Freebsd install cdrom in fix it mode and mount the installed setup and revert the tty change.

next time, just boot single user, do a fsck / then mount -u /
at which point you will be able to fix /etc/ttys
or any other screwup.


Yeah for some reason I couldn't do that, I can't even remember all the reasons now but the main reason is because I have a USB keyboard, for some reason I can use the USB keyboard in the BIOS but as soon as the boot loader starts with the 10sec menu I loose all control of the keyboard. Booting into fixit mode from the CDROM loads the USB drivers (as well as not hanging up the OS anywhere) so I could mount the filesystem and fix it.


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