> > Is there a way to tweak the timeout behavior of sendmail, or maybe  
> > even no dns resolve option for sendmail, or even better some way to  
> > tell fetchmail to use the idle command to keep the connectio to the  
> > pop server open ?
> sendmail.mc supports FEATURE(`accept_unresolvable_domains'),
>       http://www.sendmail.org/m4/README
> but I dont know if it forces a skip of DNS lookup (to avoid delay
> into your fetchmail timeout)

PS I guess you'r using fetchmail built into/ called from sendmail:
& that's why a timeout can occur.  I do it a different way: fetchmail
called  from crontab, & localy delivers to me on gate host, & gate
invokes another mail via ~/.forward to my internal network; More
processing, but no DNS hang.

Julian Stacey.  BSD Unix C Net Consultancy, Munich/Muenchen  http://berklix.com
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