Hi All

Yesterday I'm make a make buildworld/make buildkernel after cvsup (because
security fix in openssh, but i update all). I'm running RELENG_6

After that I've one big linux software don't work (maple 9.5), before this
update everything work fine.

Now my question what can I do ? Are there any kind of technics to
?downgrad? a STABLE ?

It's very important software for me, if I can make this software work, i
must re-install all my server....:-(


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 i?me ?tage, plateau D, bureau 10
Heure local/Local time:
Fri Oct 6 00:37:29 CEST 2006
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