Oliver Fromme wrote:
Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > [...]
 > It's really too bad the OpenBSD guys refuse to
 > incorporate the HP (high-performance) patches into OpenSSH, and
 > being able to say "-c none" would *really* help when it comes to
 > benchmarking network I/O via scp

Here's a patch for FreeBSD:


Go to /usr/src/crypto/openssh, then apply the patch and
rebuild libssh, ssh and sshd.  Then you can use "-c none".

I use "scp -c none" a lot within my internal network to
transfer files between slow boxes.  Encryption isn't really
required there, but I can still use all of ssh'd features
such as .ssh/authorized_keys, aliases via .ssh/config etc.

I considered submitting the patch for official inclusion,
but the OpenSSH people would reject it because they call
it "insecure", and the FreeBSD people would reject it
because they say the patch should be submitted to the
OpenSSH people.  *sigh*  :-(

You can also use ports/net/socketpipe. For example you can copy a directory with:

socketpipe -b -i { tar cf - directory } -l { ssh remotehost } -r { tar xvf - }

I use it for exactly the same purpose: copies between slow machines within my internal network.

Diomidis - dds@
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