On Thu 12 Oct 07:19, Danial Thom wrote:
> Maybe its just time for the entire FreeBSD team
> to come out of its world of delusion and come to
> terms with what every real-life user of FreeBSD
> knows: In how ever many years of development,
> there is still no good reason to use anything
> other than FreeBSD 4.x except that 4.x doesn't
> support a lot of newer harder.

I am a _real-life_ user of FreeBSD and I am *very* happy with FreeBSD
6.2-PRERELEASE and before that 6.1-STABLE.  This particular machine is
quite old - it's a 350MHz K6 - and I from a subjective point of view,
FreeBSD 6.1 has been the fastest OS which has run on it.

YMMV of course.

"We're predicting third stage shutdown at 11 minutes 42 seconds."
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