I have just built a new SunFire X4100 server with an Adaptec 2230SLP RAID card using FreeBSD 6.2-PRE kernel (from September 20). Everything is working extremely well except I cannot run the aaccli utility on this controller. When I try to open the controller, it gives this error:

Command Error: <The current AFAAPI.DLL is too old to work with the current controller software.>

On my other X4100 with the same RAID card but FreeBSD 6.0, aaccli works just fine. On my 6.2-PRE with a different aac(4) supported RAID card, it runs fine.

There seems to be no difference in the card (other than they added a "R" to the part number to indicate it is compatible with new recycling environmental regulations).

This is a HUGE problem since there is no way to probe the system to check on the health of the RAID subsystem disk drives, as aac(4) doesn't log anything to syslog on disk failure or recover, etc.

Any help would be appreciated. All I *really* need is a program to tell me if the disk system is degraded (and which drive is bad) or optimal. I don't really need to reconfigure the array.

The dmesg on the X4100 where aaccli works has this to say about the aac controller:

aac0: <Adaptec SCSI RAID 2230S> mem 0xfe000000-0xfe7fffff, 0xe0000000-0xefffffff irq 37 at device 1.0 on pci6
aac0: Enabling 64-bit address support
aac0: New comm. interface enabled
aac0: Adaptec Raid Controller 2.0.0-1
aacp0: <SCSI Passthrough Bus> on aac0
aacp1: <SCSI Passthrough Bus> on aac0
aacd0: <RAID 1 (Mirror)> on aac0
aacd0: 34699MB (71065344 sectors)
aacd1: <RAID 0/1> on aac0
aacd1: 208194MB (426381312 sectors)
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/aacd0s1a

uname -a: FreeBSD d01.m1e.net 6.0-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p4 #0: Fri Jan 27 13:43:53 EST 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/n/lorax1/usr6/ obj.amd64/n/lorax1/usr6/src/sys/KCI64SMP amd64

On the new (non-working) system:

aac0: <Adaptec SCSI RAID 2230S> mem 0xfe600000-0xfe7fffff, 0xfe8ff000-0xfe8fffff irq 37 at device 1.0 on pci6
aac0: Enabling 64-bit address support
aac0: New comm. interface enabled
aac0: Adaptec Raid Controller 2.0.0-1
aacd0: <RAID 1 (Mirror)> on aac0
aacd0: 34589MB (70838272 sectors)
aacd1: <RAID 0/1> on aac0
aacd1: 207594MB (425152512 sectors)
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/aacd0s1a

uname -a: FreeBSD d02.m1e.net 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #0: Wed Sep 20 23:21:10 EDT 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KCI64SMP amd64

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