---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Rollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22-Dec-2006 13:18
Subject: Re: Communicating with the public (was Re: Possibility for FreeBSD
4.11 Extended Support)
To: Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The point being that you really have to use The Big Hammer to get your
point across.  It's the same reason we have to see a McDonalds
commercial _every_single_commercial_break_!  (egad I hate McDonalds)

Erm, no. We really /don't/! ;-)

Anyway ... in most of the F/OSS communities I'm involved with, we're
under the mistaken idea that we can make an announcement and people will
see/hear it.  Usually you have to make an announcement 6 or 7 times,
worded differently each time, before it really hits home with the masses.

I could be wrong, but I get the impression that this whole EOL issue with
4.x is partly a result of not reminding people when the EOL date for 4.x
is every 5 minutes.  The result is that it's just hitting home for a lot
of people now that it's the 11th hour.


That would suggest that we either need to pay PR/advertising people for
their work, or get "volunteer advertisers" as excited about our projects as
we are.

Or both

My £0.02


Now, did you hear the news today?
They say the danger's gone away
But I can hear the marching feet
Moving into the street

Adapted from Genesis, "Land of Confusion"

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