linux-firefox- works fine for me. Cheers, -vlado

vlado.srv# uname -a
FreeBSD srv.g1.netng.org 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #1: Fri
Nov  3 20:20:33 CET 2006
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usrmnt/src/sys/SRV  i386
vlado.srv# ll /var/db/pkg/ | grep firefox
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel       512  9 led 20:06 firefox-,1
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel       512  8 led 08:18 linux-firefox-
vlado.srv# ll /var/db/pkg/ | grep flash  
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel       512  7 led 13:21 libflash-0.4.13_1
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel       512  7 led 13:03

Pete French píše v út 16. 01. 2007 v 22:07 +0000:
> > If you had any idea how many RFC's IE violates and and how many bugs there 
> > are in it you would never have made a statement like that.
> I don't think here ever said that IE was *better*, just that it was
> necessary for certain sites (which is undeniably true) and that if
> all you have available is Firefox then you at least want to have a working
> stable Firefox.
> It does seem to boil down the the flash issue though - for me native
> Firefox is stable, until I try and add flash. So I live without flash,
> but that measn there are a number of things I just can't do, as well as
> the IE only sites (which are becomming rare). In the end I bundle any such 
> jobs
> up and do them at home where I keep an x64-XP box for such things. If the
> most stable flash enabled player on FreeBSD is linux-firefox 1.5 then it
> would be nice to have it in ports.
> -pete.
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