On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 12:11:43PM +0100, Georg Bege wrote:
> Woah you just made my day
> Saying dspam or greylisting is useless ;)
> I hope you mean that by ironic -
> no you cannot block 100% spam but 99.99% effectivly which I already do
> even productive.
> But not with sendmail (who is using sendmail these days?)

I do, and I have a hitquote arounf 99% as well. I'm using spamassassin and
greylisting. Works pretty good. 

Filter/Tagging spam isn't a MTA problem, it's a configuration problem. You
can do anything on any MTA. 


Gerhard Schmidt    | Nick : estartu      IRC : Estartu  |
Fischbachweg 3     |                                    |  PGP Public Key
86856 Hiltenfingen | EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  on request 
Germany            |                                    |  

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