Quoting Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 12:07:22PM +0100, Robin Gruyters wrote:
Quoting Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>Set your Cisco configuration to use 100/full, and edit the
>ifconfig_bge0 line in rc.conf on your FreeBSD box to have "media
>100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex", then reboot the FreeBSD box.
>If the problem continues, there may be faulty cabling, but
>usually errors on one direction are a sign of duplex mismatch.
>If after replacing the cabling the issue continues, then there's
>a chance the bge(4) driver may be obtaining statistics wrong for
>the particular chip revision being used (this is hearsay on my
>part; I'm just guessing...)
Ok, I have set the Cisco port to 100/full-duplex and update the bge*
interfaces on the development server, but the problem still exists.

I have also updated the other server, which is connected to another
Cisco switch, but the same results.

Okay so at least we know it's not specific to your switch, or
to auto-neg nor the cabling (two different switches + boxes with
the same problem probably isn't your fault.  :) ).  That's definitely
evidence that it's a driver problem, probably specific to the 5704
(since I have two machines using 5750s without this problem).

Looks like we'll need someone with the Broadcom data sheet for
the 5704 to help out.  There's also the Bill Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and David Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (who worked on bce(4),
but might know of some details here...)

Hmmm, ok. BTW, I found out there another thread going on on the freebsd-net mailinglist about the same issue(s):


There are some patches available, but looks like only for the -CURRENT not for 6.x releases.


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