
Just cvsup-ed and upgraded to 6.2-STABLE.

The box has hyperthreading processor:

# more /var/run/dmesg.boot |grep -i cpu
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (3000.37-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Logical CPUs per core: 2
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!

and also sysctl shows that it is:

kern.threads.virtual_cpu: 2
kern.smp.cpus: 2
hw.ncpu: 2
machdep.hlt_cpus: 2
machdep.logical_cpus_mask: 2
dev.cpu.0.%desc: ACPI CPU
dev.cpu.0.%driver: cpu
dev.cpu.0.%location: handle=\_PR_.CPU0
dev.cpu.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0
dev.cpu.0.%parent: acpi0
dev.cpu.0.cx_supported: C1/0
dev.cpu.0.cx_lowest: C1
dev.cpu.0.cx_usage: 100.00%
dev.cpu.1.%desc: ACPI CPU
dev.cpu.1.%driver: cpu
dev.cpu.1.%location: handle=\_PR_.CPU1
dev.cpu.1.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0
dev.cpu.1.%parent: acpi0
dev.cpu.1.cx_supported: C1/0
dev.cpu.1.cx_lowest: C1
dev.cpu.1.cx_usage: 0%

When I run several concurrent processes I do not see that the CPU1 is
used at all! The 'top' shows this, and the sysctl shows this:

dev.cpu.0.cx_usage: 100.00%
dev.cpu.1.cx_usage: 0%

last pid:   732;  load averages:  7.94,  5.19,  2.52                            
                                                      up 0+00:29:42  23:39:43
38 processes:  9 running, 29 sleeping
CPU states: 99.3% user,  0.0% nice,  0.7% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
Mem: 34M Active, 15M Inact, 40M Wired, 34M Buf, 145M Free
Swap: 469M Total, 469M Free

  691 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:45 12.01% perl5.8.8
  693 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:41 11.96% perl5.8.8
  696 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:40 11.96% perl5.8.8
  698 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:37 11.96% perl5.8.8
  690 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:44 11.91% perl5.8.8
  694 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:42 11.91% perl5.8.8
  697 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:38 11.91% perl5.8.8
  723 root        1 112    0  2628K  1984K RUN    0   0:22 11.09% perl5.8.8

What it can be????

 Oles                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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