On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 04:23:13PM +0100, Simon L. Nielsen wrote..
> On 2007.01.27 13:04:28 -0200, JoaoBR wrote:
> > On Saturday 27 January 2007 12:32, Jim Pingle wrote:
> > > Roland Smith wrote:
> > > > Most spammers do not bother to return if they get a resend request.
> > > > That's the whole point of doing this. So practically it doesn't increase
> > > > bandwidth consumption.
> > >
> > ...
> > > Greylisting is a decent idea, but it seems to me that it's just another
> > > tool in the ongoing arms race against spammers. It may work for a while,
> > > but eventually they'll catch on and it will only cause unnecessary delays
> > > for legitimate mail.
> > 
> > finally some cares about the users here, that is a really important point, 
> > how 
> > do you justify that your client get the email he is waiting for an hour 
> > later? Probably he looks then for a better service provider ...
> Could this discussion please be continued on the apropriate list which
> is designed for spam - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Or -chat, or wherever, but not on -stable please.

Wilko Bulte                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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