
This isn't the answer, but I'm attempting to provide triage for jhb who will probably look at it.

This is a GPF, but it's not being caused by an attempt to enter protected mode, so it isn't the most-often reported BTX issue.

6.2R cd boot failed with follow error,and the MegaRAID fw version is FW_1L33
thanks with any info
BTX loader 1.00 BTX version 1.01
Console: internal video/keyboard
BIOS CD is cd0
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1

BIOS 639kB/3668928kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
(root at [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fri Jan 12 06:40:38 UTC 2007)

int=0000000d err=00000000 efl=00030086 eip=0000c3d4
eax=00008058 ebx=00002000 ecx=00000007 edx=0000fffa
esi=0000f69b edi=00040170 epb=000003d8 esp=00000358
cs=f000 ds=0040 es=5d18    fs=9fc0 gs=f000 ss=9e17
cs:eip=ec 50 e4 61 58 50 e4 61-58 ee 5a c3 01 00 e4 c3
       12 00 00 41 d0 0c 02 08-80 00 03 00 79 00 79 00 00
ss:esp=77 01 03 2c a1 00 08 2c-fa 02 00 e0 00 00 c0 9f
       00 00 4e 80 f3 ee 00 f0-03 24 00 e0 06 02 00 80
BTX halted

It looks like BIOS code at f000:c3d4 is trying to read a word from I/O port 0xfffa, and this is causing a GPF when it tries to write to what looks like the BIOS data area at 0040:0058; "cursor position for video page 4".

  0:   ec                      in     (%dx),%al
  1:   50                      push   %eax
  2:   e4 61                   in     $0x61,%al
  4:   58                      pop    %eax
  5:   50                      push   %eax
  6:   e4 61                   in     $0x61,%al
  8:   58                      pop    %eax
  9:   ee                      out    %al,(%dx)
  a:   5a                      pop    %edx
  b:   c3                      ret
  c:   01 00                   add    %eax,(%eax)
  e:   e4 c3                   in     $0xc3,%al
 10:   12 00                   adc    (%eax),%al
 12:   00 41 d0                add    %al,0xffffffd0(%ecx)
 15:   0c 02                   or     $0x2,%al
 17:   08 80 00 03 00 79       or     %al,0x79000300(%eax)
 1d:   00 79 00                add    %bh,0x0(%ecx)

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