On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 09:19:08PM +0100, Martin wrote:

> > Also some more discussion would be useful, e.g. you appear to be
> > testing on different machines so the most important thing to
> > understand is how, or whether, the hardware differs.  You do link to
> > the dmesgs, but it's hard to process this into a summary form whereas
> > you presumably know the details.
> > 
> I use the same hw (3 dell 1435 server)
> > I am also unfamiliar with the benchmark itself, can you give me a
> > pointer to the software?  
> I used sql-bench 
> /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-server/work/mysql-5.0.33/sql-bench/
> (at this time)
> the default Makefile of port have "--without-bench" options  so u need
> to make manually

Hmm.  This seems to be a single-user test, so while it's presumably
testing some relevant basic ingredients of database performance it's
probably not a realistic measure of server performance.  i.e. if you
really only have a maximum of one client accessing your database then
your 4-core system is being more than 75% wasted :)

> > If it is doing disk I/O then you may be
> > mostly measuring the speed of your disks, which is why the previous
> > paragraph is so important to understand.
> the disk was the same of 3 test

OK, cool.

The difference between i386 and amd64 is actually kind of surprising.
I would have expected amd64 to be slower.  One thing that is missing
is an estimate of standard deviation of the data points: some
benchmarks have very high variance, meaning the numbers vary a lot
between runs; this makes direct comparison more difficult without
statistical work.  In FreeBSD the /usr/src/tools/tools/ministat
utility is excellent for this purpose.


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