On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 11:06:15AM +0000, Vince wrote:
> Willy Offermans wrote:
> > Dear FreeBSD friends,
> > 
> > Is it possible to add and configure a tap device at boot time of
> > FreeBSD? I mean the same as a normal NIC. In my rc.conf:
> > 
> > <snip>
> > ...
> > ifconfig_xl0="inet promisc netmask"
> > ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"
> > ifconfig_tap0="inet netmask"
> > ...
> > </snip>
> > 
> try adding
> cloned_interfaces="tap0"
> to your rc.conf
> Vince
> > and in my /boot/loader.conf:
> > <snip>
> > ...
> > if_tap_load="YES"
> > ...
> > </snip>
> > 
> > if_xl0 and if_rl0 are compiled into the kernel.
> > 
> > Maybe it is even possible to set the MAC address of the tap device!?
> > 
> > The tap device should be available before named and dhcpd have been
> > started. In that way I can provide IP addresses over the tap device 
> > and add appropriate DNS entries.
> > 
> > I like to run openvpn with tap devices and want to use the dhcpd server
> > to provide IP addresses and update the named. This works quite well.
> > However after reboot I always have to restart named and dhcpd again
> > since the tap device becomes available after these services have started
> > during boot. I guess this problem will be solved if the tap device is
> > already available and configured before named and dhcpd have started.
> > 

Hello Vince,

Thank you for your response, but unfortunately adding
cloned_interfaces="tap0" to my rc.conf did not solve the issue. The
tap0 device only appeared after I started the openvpn daemon. Is there
a way to determine the order to start the daemons. Maybe I can solve
the problem in that way.

I wonder why it is so hard to accomplish this. FreeBSD is usually very
intuitive in initialising device support. Naively I would think: load
the kernel_module and run ifconfig and you are there. For xl0 and rl0
it will work like this, I guess, but for tap0 certainly not. What kind
of a kick does this tap device need? Is it that special? Openvpn needs
to know which tap to use, but that is it, I guess. The rest is up to
the kernel to do the trick, isn't it? Maybe I have to dig in the source
code of openvpn to find out how to initialise the tap device.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
De jrus wah,


W.K. Offermans
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