On Wednesday 04 April 2007 00:05, you wrote:
> Console is not intended for everyday use! You should login
> to your FreeBSD box with ssh-client of your choise and from
> the OS of your choise (preferably from graphic mode).

please stay on topic 
the question is not what one should or not
but to hook into your talk, if there is a console it can be used as wanted

> 1024x768 is more than enough for 120x50 virtual terminals.

may be for you, for me and lot of other users it is definitly not

> p.s. Or you just trolling? RH is rather professional, but definitely
> not because of graphics in console... :-\

don't try to be smart with me
nobody said that RH is professional because of it's graphics in console
I said that for example RH looks professional with the graphic boot they offer

> > that is very easy to understand, look:
> > A/ fits much more info on one screen
> > B/ line  wraps do not complicate orientation on screen
> > both points are very usefull debugging any kind of problem or tailing
> > logs



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