Hi again,

On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 19:30 +0100, Olivier Mueller wrote:
> I will soon get some new servers with more than 4 GB of RAM, and
> I am wondering if they will work fine even with the PAE
> option activated: are all the required drivers (RAID mfid, bce
> on the Dell, ciss0 on the HP) 100% compatible, or should I expect
> trouble? 

On one of the servers I can't switch to amd64 I need to use PAE setup. 
Problem, it has only usb ports (for keyboard usw.), and in the PAE 
config file, there is:

nodevice        uhci
nodevice        ohci
nodevice        ehci
nodevice        usb
nodevice        ugen
nodevice        uhid
nodevice        ukbd

-> no usb support...   So how am I supposed to access the console then? 
(there is no serial port either).  Can I remove these lines? 


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