On Apr 19, 2007, at 5:17 AM, Vlad GALU wrote:

Is there any way to have mount_nullfs working inside the jail?

  I mount nullfs from the host, that's how I share the ports
directory across jails.

/me too.

easiest way is to create a file /etc/fstab.jailname with the mount in it, like this:

/n/yertle1/sources/ports /u/data/jails/lsfe/usr/ports nullfs rw 0 0

which is how I map my ports tree mounted on the jail host via NFS from the main server into the /usr/ports directory of the jail named 'lsfe' in this case.

I'm not sure if default jails read the /etc/fstab.jailname files, but ezjail's startup does, and makes for easy jail management.

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