On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 02:01:57AM +0100, Adrian Wontroba wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 03:56:32AM +0100, Adrian Wontroba wrote:
> > Another 6-STABLE (cvsupped on 27/03/07) example, with diagnostics taken
> > rather sooner after the hang.  Processes with wmesg=ufs feature often in
> > the ps output.
> Thanks for the assorted replies. I'll try using INVARIANTS, as I'd much
> prefer a panic and automatic reboot rather than creeping death for this
> server which is only attended 06:00-22:00 weekdays yet is a critical
> point in our 24*7 monitoring. Sigh. Champagne tastes on a beer budget.
> Other background information (from memory as I can't access it from
> here):
> I'm not using unionfs / nullfs.
> I am using MFS and softupdates.
> NFS is in occassional use.
> NTFS is not used.
> The server is ancient. A 4 way Zeon, state of the art in 1998.
> The problem has gone from "absent" through "reproducible if you
> try hard enough" to "strikes according to Murphy" through 5.5-STABLE to
> 6.2-STABLE.
> Once the sendmail milter ABI damage is fixed I'll bring the machine up
> to date - it is also the build box for a dozen or so machines running
> something close to 6.2-RELEASE, and I'd rather not upgrade all of them
> them when the next ClamAV release appears.

Fixed the other day, FYI.

> If / when it hangs again, I'll include more information and maybe even
> raise a real PR.


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