On Thu, 3 May 2007, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:

Hi all,

I'm having a hard time getting my external (USB, Firewire) Plextor
PX-755UF to read any retail DVDs at all. I can read any kind of CDs
and also DVD-Rs. But mastered DVDs are invisible to FreeBSD.

I can not even read a single sector from such a DVD with the external
drive, but it's working just fine with the internal one. It's really
driving me nuts.


The NEC drive can read DVDs just fine (although it sucks).

% recoverdisk /dev/cd1
       start    size           len state          done     remaining    % done
           0 1048576    7411912704     0             0    7411912704 0.0000000^C
(130)% recoverdisk /dev/cd0
recoverdisk: DIOCGMEDIASIZE failed: No such file or directory
(1)% dd if=/dev/cd0 bs=2048
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.000093 secs (0 bytes/sec)

If I attach the device via Firewire, it's just the same. Perhaps it
requires some sort of quirk? Where should I start looking for debug
output? Which test should I run. Any help would be greatly

I had an issue with ripping some DVD's to my laptop before a trip I made
(note:  no distribution occurred (for the lawyers :))).  I wanted to
just use dd to do it, but dd would fail after a small amount of data was
read.  If I first played a little of the DVD with mplayer, then dd would
work afterwards.  It probably had something to do with mplayer
whispering sweet nothings to the DVD player.

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