:I'm trying to probe this as well as I can, but network stacks and sockets have 
:never been my strong suit ...
:Robert had mentioned in one of his emails about a "Sockets can also exist 
:without any referencing process (if the application closes, but there is still 
:data draining on an open socket)."
:Now, that makes sense to me, I can understand that ... but, how would that 
:as far as netstat -nA shows?  Or, would it?  For example, I have:

    Netstat should show any sockets, whether they are attached to processes
    or not.  Usually you can match up the address from netstat -nA with
    the addresses from sockets shown by fstat to figure out what processes
    the sockets are attached to.

    There are three situations that you have to watch out for:

    (1) The socket was close()'d and is still draining.  The socket
        will timeout and terminate within ~1-5 minutes.  It will not
        be referenced to a descriptor or process.

    (2) The socket descriptor itself has been sent over a unix domain socket
        from one process to another and is currently in transit.  The 
        file pointer representing the descriptor is what is actually in
        transit, and will not be referenced by any processes while it is
        in transit.

        There is a garbage collector that figures out unreferencable loops.
        I think its called unp_gc or something like that.

    (3) The socket is not closed, but is idle (like having a remote shell
        open and never typing in it).  Service processes can get stuck
        waiting for data on such sockets.  The socket WILL be referenced
        by some process.

        These are controlled by net.inet.tcp.keep* and
        net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive.  I almost universally turn on
        net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive to ensure that dead idle connections
        get cleaned out.

        Note that keepalive only applies to idle connections.  A socket
        that has been closed and needs to drain (either data or the FIN
        state) will timeout and clean up itself whether keepalive is
        turned on or off).

    netstat -nA will give you the status of all your sockets.  You can
    observe the state of any TCP sockets.

    Unix domain sockets have no state and closure is governed simply by
    them being dereferenced, just like a pipe.  In this case there are really
    only two situations:  (1) One end of the unix domain socket is still
    referenced by a process or (2) The socket has been sent over another
    unix domain socket and is 'in transit'.  The socket will remain intact
    until it is either no longer in transit (read out from the other unix
    domain socket), or the garbage collector determines that the socket the
    descripor is transiting over is not externally referencablee, and
    will destroy it and any in-transit sockets contained within.

    Any sockets that don't fall into these categories are in trouble...
    either a timer has failed somewhere or (if unix domain) the garbage
    collector has failed to detect that it is in an unreferencable loop.


    One thing you can do is drop into single user mode... kill all the 
    processes on the system, and see if the sockets are recovered.  That
    will give you a good idea as to whether it is a real leak or whether
    some process is directly or indirectly (by not draining a unix domain
    socket on which other sockets are being transfered) holding onto the

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