Olivier Mueller wrote:
> Isn't there a better way?  How do you handle such cases? 

We go to extra lengths and allow only pkg installs on servers. That way
we are sure, that no random library pollution takes place. It also makes
stuff better reproducable.

Sadly packages are somewhat neclected and there is still no good
pkg_update tool

> What I'm going to try is to prepare packages of the ports I have to
> upgrade on a dev/test server, and then install them with pkg_add: is
> that the "right way" ? 

A good way would be to test this very update with packages on a test
box. That is, install mysql4, produce your mysql5 packages somewhere
else (or use a chroot or jail). Then see if pkg-updating works for

Ulrich Spoerlein
"The trouble with the dictionary is you have to know how the word is
spelled before you can look it up to see how it is spelled."
-- Will Cuppy
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