At 1:08 PM +0200 5/28/07, Andreas Klemm wrote:

discovered that the maillog file on my freebsd Desktop
grows and grows (now at 50MB).

According to the newsyslog.conf file it should be trimmed
every night at midnight.

/var/log/maillog                        640  7     *    @T00  JC

Is it a prerequisite, that the system then runs 24x7 so
that the newsyslog default settings work ?

As mentioned in the man page for newsyslog.conf :

        If a time is specified, the log file will only be trimmed if
        newsyslog(8) is run within one hour of the specified time.

You could force a rotate by running newsyslog yourself:

        /usr/sbin/newsyslog -F /var/log/maillog

but that would be a one-time fix.

There is a startup file for newsyslog in /etc/rc.d which runs the
program one-time at startup.  You could set an alternate value
for the variable 'newsyslog_flags' in your /etc/rc.conf file, and
use that to do the checks you want at startup.  This would probably
mean creating a duplicate newsyslog.conf file.

So, to answer your question:  Yes, the default settings for
newsyslog.conf do assume that your system is running 24x7.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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