Quoting Tim Kientzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Monday 04 June 2007 17:46, Robin Gruyters wrote:

This morning I have revert libarchive (src/lib/libarchive) and tar
(src/usr.bin/tar) back to RELENG_6_1 and surprisingly (or maybe not)
it works fine now.

Maybe tar doesn't use the -b option when listing the content? (-t)

Could you please send me details of the problem
you're having?

Ok, here a small setup.

I create a random file with roughly size of 5MB:
$ dd if=/dev/random of=archive.dmp bs=1024 count=5120
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
5242880 bytes transferred in 0.174116 secs (30111397 bytes/sec)

Then a tar the file (with or without blocksize set) to tape:
$ sudo tar -cf /dev/sa0 archive.dmp

After that I try to read/list the tar from tape with tar -t:
$ sudo mt -f /dev/sa0 rewind
$ sudo tar -tf /dev/sa0
tar: Unrecognized archive format: Inappropriate file type or format

I get strait away the "Unrecognized archive" message.

But when I extract the archive from tape, it works perfectly:
$ sudo tar -xvf /dev/sa0
x archive.dmp

I have tested this with libarchive and tar from RELENG_6 and RELENG_6_2.
No problems with libarchive and tar from RELENG_6_1.

If you need more (debug) info, let me know

Kind regards,

Robin Gruyters
Network and Security Engineer
Yirdis B.V.
I: http://yirdis.com
P: +31 (0)36 5300394
F: +31 (0)36 5489119

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