I've been trying to get FreeRADIUS 2.0 working inside a FreeBSD
6.2-STABLE jail.

The work I've been doing with the Alan DeKok of FreeRADIUS starts with
this message:


Here is the thread index :


I am way out of my depth at this point.  I thought I had the problem
found yesterday in FreeRADIUS but Alan says what I did to "fix" it
shouldn't work at all.  He seems to think it is a jail problem.

Is anybody else testing the new version of FreeRADIUS in a jail?

I would greatly appreciate any help I can get on this topic.  

If someone wants to take a look at it, here is a script I am using to
get the current sources:


DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`

tar -yxvf freeradius-server-snapshot-${DATE}.tar.bz2
rm -rf freeradius-server-snapshot
cp -rp freeradius-server-snapshot-${DATE} freeradius-server-snapshot

Thanks in advance!

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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