On 26/09/2007, Michael Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > Hi I am concerned about the availabilities of these encryptions in
> > freebsd releases that are marked stable.
> >
> > It seems gbde has a problem when the the data written goes over the
> > lba boundary around lba48.
> Could you please test the attached patch to /usr/src/sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c ?
> I believe this may be due to the error in the underlying ata driver
> rather than specifically to do with encryption.
> As a side note - Soren, could we get this commited to both -current and
> -stable if there aren't any significant objections?
>        Michael

yep I further read the link I posted and apologise I seen bad ata was mentioned.

I will test on a local machine as I cant test that production machine
again, as I understand it I just need to use a large hd greater then


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