At 12:37 AM 10/9/2007, Jack Vogel wrote:
> Thanks,
>          I did find this reference
> Is there a way from FreeBSD to tell remotely if its needed ?

Well, there would be a way, reading the MANC register and
seeing if the suspect bit is present, but am not sure if there
is some important point at which the thing gets misprogrammed,
its just best to use the patcher, its harmless if its not needed.

Sorry, I realize its a hassle to boot to that wonder DOS :)

OK, did some tests on local PM nics here at the office. On one nic (same model as what is causing us problems in the field) we can run the program over and over again, and it always exits with a zero value. Is this normal ? On another NIC that we recently bought, it exits with a 1 which supposedly says "not needed". How do we know that the update has taken ? Is there any danger of it losing its reprogramming ? In short, how do we verify it "worked"

The version I am using is

lava# ls -l dcgdis.exe
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  160029 Oct  4  2005 dcgdis.exe
lava# md5 dcgdis.exe
MD5 (dcgdis.exe) = a48d9e127c19528bd4a650e692b2f2be

Is there a newer one ?


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