we are trying to diagnose errors seen on 6.2, SMP, amd64, cvsup'ed of

Mainboard is a Tyan Thunder h2000M (S3992-E) with 16 GB RAM and 2 x Opteron
2216, da3 is on a 3ware 9550-12

we are seeing this error:
g_vfs_done():da3s1a[READ(offset=81064794762854400, length=8192)]error = 5
on a 12 GB Hyperdrive

the offset changes sometimes, but it is always 81064794xxxxxxxxx and well
out the 12GB range.

We did have the Hyperdrive connected directly to the mainboards SATA0 (ad4)
with similar errors.
We used to have a md instead of the hyperdrive before, coming up with
similar errors.

Blocksize on the partition is 8192 (newsfs -b 8192 ..). 
We did have a blocksize of 65536 before, but after some hours (sometimes
days), the machine will be unresponsible with "newbuf" as a waitmessage in
top and has to be hard-reset. 
Regarding "newbuf", as well as nbufkv and nbufbs, I will write a seperate
message to the list.

According to systat -vm, da3 does tps > 500 (yes, that's a lot)

This leads to an assumption, the error has to do with very high IOs per
second on a SMP machine.
The system-disk is a RAID1 on an ICP 5805. All other disks (51) are 20
gstripe'd partitions.

Any hint to diagnose / fix the problem is well appreciated.



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