On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 12:28:30PM -0400, Anish Mistry wrote:
> I just updated to RELENG_7 from 6.2 and I'm running into some really 
> annoying issues with jerky mouse movement and skipping sound.  This 
> seems to be similar to:
> Re: SCHED_4BSD in RELENG_7 disturbs workflow
> This happens both with 4BSD and ULE.
> I seems to happen when I'm compiling ports and a new cc/bzip2/sh 
> process fires off (I'm just watching top), I'll get the 
> skip/freezeup.


Using ULE and UP kernel (i.e. without SMP etc.) helped a bit the things
but it's still very annoying to use firefox during ports build.  I see
this lag/freeze on all boxes I use with 7.0, but it's true that with a
fast machine people can ignore the problem, it's less obvious than with
a 1GHz box for example.


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