Given that the server that I need to create a dumpdev on has has a
slice dedicated to /var with *more* than adequate space to accommodate
the the resources needed for a dumpdev, as well as everything else in
/var. Is it enough to simply:

# mkdir /var/crash
# chmod 700 /var/crash

and set *dumpdev* in */etc/fstab* as such?:

# Device      Mountpoint    FStype   Options    Dump  Pass#
/dev/ad0s1b   none          swap     sw         0     0
/dev/ad0s1a   /             ufs      rw         1     1
/dev/ad0s1d   /var          ufs      rw         2     2
# dumpdev
/dev/ad0s1d   /var/crash    ufs      sw         0     0
/dev/acd0     /cdrom        cd9660   ro,noauto  0     0

then bounce the system and *assume* I have a /suitable/ and /useable/
dumpdev available?

Sorry if I have made any ridiculous assumptions, and thank you for your


panic: kernel trap (ignored)

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