Hello, Jack.
You wrote 15 ?????? 2007 ?., 22:46:59:

(after loading drivers for my X100P Zaptel voice card, but it doesn't
change anything).

> vmstat -i
interrupt                          total       rate
irq0: clk                        2956764        999
irq6: wcfxo0                       85000         28
irq7: ppc0                             1          0
irq8: rtc                         378406        127
irq10: fxp0                        37732         12
irq11: em0                       2957170        999
irq12: ath0                        64647         21
irq14: ata0                        12713          4
irq15: ata1                           18          0
Total                            6492451       2194

> Disconnect the cable from it when you boot, also pciconf -l

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:12:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x002e8086 chip=0x100e8086 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
 Cable was disconnected...
> to see what type adapter it is.

> This is storming before you assign it an address?
  It seems so, because the first message in `dmesg' is BEFORE

ipfw2 initialized, divert loadable, rule-based forwarding disabled, default to 
deny, logging disabled

  and RIGHT AFTER "Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a".

 BTW, card WORKS in such conditions: I can connect cable, and ping
this interface (this is head-less computer, I access it through wi-fi
from my notebook while wired network is stopped).

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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