At 04:48 PM 1/18/2008, Mike Tancsa wrote:
At 04:11 PM 1/18/2008, Steven Hartland wrote:
I know 7 has had a lot of work done on locking and ULE but are there
any other reasons to go for that instead of 6.3? Conversely are there
any reason which would point away from 7 such as stability issues?

Our production experiences with 7 have been good so far. I just did a rather busy customer mail server this morning and so far so good. I migrated it from 6.3 to 7 and am just finishing the portupgrade process. We have also been running a 7.x box in our spam/virus scanning cluster since late Nov 2007 and no issues there either. We havent done any benchmarks to see if its faster than the 6.x boxes, but its certainly stable so far and seems to at least keep up to the other boxes.

The 7.x box is a little faster according to my colleague. Below are the average scanning times per message. Assuming that in a 24hr period each box will get approximately the same mix of spam, the times below are how long an average scan took. He also said the 7x box does perform better under high load when a large blast comes in all at once.

Lines: 15643    Total: 61114.90 Average: 3.91
Lines: 15446    Total: 61079.90 Average: 3.95
Lines: 15633    Total: 62584.70 Average: 4.00
Lines: 15481    Total: 60892.80 Average: 3.93
Lines: 15515    Total: 60714.40 Average: 3.91

Lines: 15603    Total: 58300.40 Average: 3.74

As well as spam scanning, they do AV stuff as well.

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