On 1/20/08, Stephen Montgomery-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jason C. Wells wrote:
> > The comments regarding SCHED_ULE and SCHED_4BSD are inconsistent with
> > information found in the email archives.  LINT says ULE is experimental.
> >     The handbook doesn't mention ULE at all. The archives say ULE is the
> > new recommended scheduler.
> >
> > If ULE is in fact the current recommendation, then a few docs need to be
> > updated.
> To add to Jason's point - why does GENERIC still default to SCHED_4BSD?
>   Are there plans to change this before 7.0 is truly released?

Excuse me for my bad english...

This question was mentioned two or three months ago. The answer was
that in 7.1, after the ULE will be tested in 7.0, it will be the
defacto scheduler in FreeBSD. First, the scheduler need the best
benchark in the world; a few thousand users testing in real-life
situations on a daily basis.


Have a nice day  ;-)

Dijo Confucio:
"Exígete mucho a ti mismo y espera poco de los demás. Así te ahorrarás
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