> We use mysql-server-5.0.45 (fairly old, since newest is 5.0.51a); yours
> is a bit older.  I'll have to look at the ChangeLog between 5.0.41 and
> 5.0.51a to see if there's any relevant changes which might give hints to
> what's causing it.
> I don't see any changes relevant between 5.0.41 and 5.0.45, 5.0.51,
> nor 5.0.51a which could cause what you're seeing.

Yes, i looked at that changes but nothing really seemed to relate to my
issue that's why i did not proceeded with a mysql straight upgrade.

> > I did not setup anything in the /boot/loader.conf so i guess i'm using
> > default values for all of those settings,
> See my other mail; amd64 might be doing something different with those
> values (calculating them in a more appropriate manner?).

I'm looking into that right now , especially about having a maxdsiz bigger
then actual RAM+Swap ...

> A few more questions:
> 1) Shortly before the kernel panics, do you get any odd messages in
> /var/log/messages or on the console itself?  (dmesg -a could help here).
> I'm left wondering if maybe the problem is something else, like a disk
> issue or other oddity and is manifesting itself in an odd way.

Not at all ... very wierd indeed.
I see totally nothing bad in all sort of information i can find before the
crash. Everything is fine and then at some point i see the messages from
kernel booting again.

> 2) Are you remapping any libraries using /etc/libmap.conf, such as
> transparently remapping pthread to kse?

No, i'm remapping libpthread -> libthr
but we run the same mapping on a bunch of other mysql server without issues

> 3) How big are all the InnoDB tables?  If you're not sure, how big do
> the ibdata* and ib_logfile* files grow to?

Quite big actually,

-rw-rw----  1 mysql  mysql   5.0M Feb  4 15:58 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw----  1 mysql  mysql   5.0M Feb  4 15:58 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw----  1 mysql  mysql   4.2G Feb  4 15:58 ibdata1


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