On Monday 03 March 2008 19:07:38 Mark Andrews wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 02:30:01PM +0300, Dmitry Antipov wrote:
> > > Is it required to have 'options INET6' even if I'm not using any IPv6
> > > connectivity ?
> >
> > No, not unless you rely on SCTP, which at this time *does* require
> > INET6.  If you remove INET6, you must also remove SCTP.
> >
> > Be aware that if you remove INET6, ntpd (if used) will complain about
> > missing transport protocol capability for tcp6 and udp6.  It's a
> > harmless warning, and won't impact functionality of ntpd.  There is an
> > open PR for this problem:
> > http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=bin/78728
> >
> > > Also I have occasional 'mskc0: Uncorrectable PCI Express error'
> > > messages, which is a known
> > > (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=kern/119613) problem...
> >
> > Can't help you with this, but I bet Pyun YongHyeon can.  :-)
>       I really don't understand this wish people have to turn off
>       IPv6.  The world is running out of IPv4 addresses.  IPv6
>       will be required within a year or two.  Now is the time to

easy, you do not need ipv6 when you are on an ipv4 network

>       make sure every piece of software you use that requires IP
>       connectivity supports IPv6.  In 2-3 years time it will be
>       too late as you won't have the option to fall back to IPv4.
>       IPv6 connectivity is available to everyone today if they
>       wish it.  You don't have to wait for you ISP to supply it.

well, that might not be exactly true, what do you want (and why should you) 
with an ipv6 address/service on your computer when you are on an ipv4 



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