On Tue, 18 Mar 2008, Kris Kennaway wrote:
 > Kevin Oberman wrote:
 > > Or, is the system failing to retrieve the packages and failing over to
 > > building the ports? This would take a long time!
 > > 
 > > I always tee the output of portupgrade to a file so, if it dies in the
 > > middle, it's pretty easy to pick up where it left off and not re-build
 > > everything twice.

Yep, or use script(1).  Amazing what you pick up from the handbook :)

 > Yes, also I am pretty sure that if you rerun portupgrade -faP a second 
 > time it will reuse the cached packages it downloaded last time, if they 
 > are not out of date.

I've sometimes had some trouble with some of the mirrors not always
having [all] the packages needed, and have had to shop around a bit. 

Running portupgrade -anPP will pick up at least all top-level packages
available first, and you can check your script output (and what's in
/usr/ports/packages) to be sure you've got X, KDE and other Big Stuff.

Then even the bandwidth- and/or CPU-impaired are good to go with -faP. 

cheers, Ian

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