On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 08:03:09AM +0200, Ingeborg Hellemo wrote:
> > 1) Softupdates can cause this.  Run "sync" a few times, then wait 30 seconds
> > or so; does it go away?
> Tried. And booted several times. No luck
> > 2) Files which are open (have active file descriptors associated with them)
> > on /var before it filled may be causing this.  fstat may help you here. 
> But /var is not full. It is _more_ than empty.

It is possible to have files that are open and held by processes on
the filesystem that are no longer listed. If you kill the offending
process the space will be freed up.
Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          "You can get farther with a kind word and a gun
                      than you can with a kind word alone" - Al Capone
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