Hello, freebsd-stable.

  Does somebody use some software RAID5 on FreeBSD in real production

  I want to build storage server for my home: RAW photos, multi-layer
PhotoShop files and FLAC-encoded music consume a lot of space, and
they should be availible both from desktop & notebook.

  Also, all photo-content is unique, so I need some insuranse from
single HDD crash. I understand, that I will not safe from fire, PSU
failure and thing slike this.

  I selected hardware platform: Intel Q35-based MoBo with 6xSATA-II ports
(all of them is chipset-based, so no SiliconImage/JMicron/Whatever
crappy controllers), some low-end Core2Duo, 2Gb of memory.
  Storage will be 5x500Gb WD HDDs for RAID + one small HDD for boot, system,
swap, etc. I want to have 2Tb (ok, not real Tb, I know) of "protected"
  I want to have maximum speed via 1Gb network, because graphic files
are big and should open fast. Not as fast as local ones, I understand
that, but speeds about 12-15Mb/s is not enough for sure :)

  Only problem I see: which software RAID5 solution should I prefer?
FreeBSD-based, of course!

  I see these variants:

 (1) FreeBSD 6(7?) + graid3. Slow, one disk for checksums is bottleneck,
     as far as I understand.

 (2) FreeBSD 6(7?) + gvinum/radi5. Is it stable enough?! Is it complete?
     when I try it about 6 months ago in VMWare installation with 5
     virtual disks, I got panics and strange behaviour after "crashing"
     one of virtual disks.

 (3) FreeBSD 6(7?) + graid5. Again, is it stable enough? There are
     THREE versions of it. Which one should I prefer? There was long
     thread about it some times ago without any clear conclusion. Does
     something changed?

 (4) FreeBSD 7 + ZFS "zraid". And again: stability. Too many messages
     about locks, crashes, etc. Code is experemental. Is it only for
     32 bit systems?

 (5) Do I miss something?

 (6) Solaris + ZFS? I don't want it, I know a little about Solaris
     administaration, and I already have FreeBSD servers and routers.

  I know, that 3ware or Areca controllers are very good. I know, that
  "gmirror" is very stable. But these variants are too expensive for
  home server :(

  Does somebody use some software RAID5 on FreeBSD in real production?
  Any advices?

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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