
monitor# camcontrol negotiate 0:0 -W 16
Current Parameters:
(pass0:mpt0:0:0:0): sync parameter: 0
(pass0:mpt0:0:0:0): offset: 0
(pass0:mpt0:0:0:0): bus width: 8 bits
(pass0:mpt0:0:0:0): disconnection is enabled
(pass0:mpt0:0:0:0): tagged queueing is enabled
monitor# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/dead.file bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes transferred in 32.421679 secs (32341817 bytes/sec)
monitor# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/dead.file bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes transferred in 20.355797 secs (51512402 bytes/sec)

No improvements. But it looks like it did not renegotiated the transfers data rate that for
some odd reasons are setted as 3.3MB/S instead of 320mb/s.

I made some tests using linux 2.18 (debian):

debiantest:/home/daniel# uname -a
Linux debiantest 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 22:11:31 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

scsi0 : ioc0: LSI53C1030, FwRev=00000000h, Ports=1, MaxQ=128, IRQ=169
 Vendor: VMware    Model: Virtual disk      Rev: 1.0
 Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
target0:0:0: Beginning Domain Validation
target0:0:0: Domain Validation skipping write tests
target0:0:0: Ending Domain Validation
target0:0:0: FAST-160 WIDE SCSI 320.0 MB/s DT IU RDSTRM RTI WRFLOW PCOMP (6.25
ns, offset 127)

debiantest:/home/daniel# dd if=/dev/zero of=dead.file bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 5.01316 seconds, 209 MB/s


Shunsuke SHINOMIYA ha scritto:
da0 at mpt0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <VMware Virtual disk 1.0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da0: 3.300MB/s transfers
da0: Command Queueing Enabled
da0: 34816MB (71303168 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4438C)

 Can you re-negotiate transfer rate, using camcontrol?
 `camcontrol negotiate 0:0 -W 16' might improve that transfer settings.
camcontrol needs passthrough device support in a kernel.


Cordiali Saluti,

Daniel Ponticello, VP of Engineering

Network Coordination Centre of Skytek

- For further information about our services: - Please visit our website at http://www.Skytek.it

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