Doug Barton wrote:
Mark Kirkwood wrote:
Doug Barton wrote:

The Apache page:

It mentions FIN_WAIT_2 not 1, so this might be a different/new problem.

IIRC it actually is the same problem, but in any case you're missing the bit where 4.x is EOL. :) Hence my advice to upgrade to 7.0 and try again, since on the off chance this actually IS a new problem, it stands the best chance of getting fixed.


You know it really pains me when people blithely say just upgrade to X.X where X is the latest release.

It is generally just not that simple to upgrade - there are all sorts of dependencies with other software that have to be considered.

My $.02


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety."  (Ben Franklin)

"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty
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