On Jun 4, 2008, at 5:48 PM, Max Laier wrote:
Because the people who support FreeBSD 6.2 are also knee-deep in major
projects of their own!?  We try try to not introduce regressions as we
move forward supporting new features and hardware, but unless people put
in some effort of their own helping us to test ...

You obviously did not put in any effort of your own so why would you
expect us to do the work for you? Unless you can provide "*EXACT*" bug reports and show willingness to help debugging them, there really is not
much point in this thread.

The bugs in question were very well documented. None of them were in a state indicating that the developer could not reproduce nor were they waiting for more info. Given that situation, I didn't see a need to add more to a known problem.

*IF* any of them had been looking for test cases, I would have been happy to build a test system and turn it over to the developer in question. We do that fairly routinely.

And please stop with the loaded language. I'm not asking anyone to work for me. I am suggesting that it is perhaps too early to EoL 6.2 because 6.3 isn't ready yet.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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