On Jun 5, 2008, at 8:39 AM, Kris Kennaway wrote:
There has been nothing of value offered in this thread, and it's only served to piss off a number of developers who already put huge amounts of volunteer time into supporting FreeBSD, and who take pride in the quality of their work.

I'm honestly sorry to hear that. I tried very hard with the very limited time I had available to me to phrase it clearly as a policy/ support issue and not to put the blame on any developer. There are number of issues in projects I support that are waiting on time from me too, so I can hardly point any fingers in that direction. We *all* have less time to work on this stuff than we might want.

Asking the volunteers to
a) fix unspecified problems that the submitter will not name in detail but which are OMG SHOWSTOPPER YOU MUST FIX

In rereading my quotes I may have not been clear on something. The vast majority of these bugs have already been fixed. ("not in a state that needs help identifying" was what I said trying to cover both that and known bugs without a fix yet)

However, the fixes are not available in a -RELEASE version of the operating system. This is why EoLing 6.2 and forcing people to upgrade to a release with lots of known issues is a problem.

Obviously you have to choose between developer time/effort to create a release candidate and the effort required to backdate security patches to 6.2. I don't know the reasons (which is why I created this thread) but my guess was the latter was easier than the former...

b) donate even more unpaid time to supporting branches because it seems like a good "compromise" (!)
shows a complete failure of understanding and frankly beggars belief.

Although the insults aren't helpful, I agree with you. I created this thread because I have a "failure of understanding". I'd appreciate some enlightenment of the real costs involved (and how we could help if possible). That's why I created this thread.

Such people are not acting as supporters of the project, however well-intentioned they may believe themselves to be.

You seem quite willing to make enemies. I'm not your enemy, and we'd both probably get a lot more work done if you stopped treating me like one.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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