On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 16:54:02 +0100 (BST), Robert Watson

> The place for volunteers to come in is where they see an obvious niche
> improvement -- for example, a few years ago this guy named Colin Percival
> turned up with a binary update system.  After a couple of years of
> enhancement, breaking it in, etc, it's now a standard tool for
> FreeBSD systems, and he's our security officer.  Similar opportunities
> exist
> for offering easier updates to packages, etc, but require people who have
> a
> clear need and the technical ability to do the work to turn up and do it.
Very Well Spoken! :)
Fact is, that it's okay to ask about a security branch for ports/packages.
And if the answer is, no, we don't have enough manpower, then the road is
Either throw loads of money around you, or start doing it yourself and see
wether someone hops on :)


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