On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 11:29 +0300, Danny Braniss wrote:
> > FreeBSD 7.0
> > 
> > I have 2 machines with identical configurations/hardware, let's call them A 
> > (master) 
> > and B (slave). I have installed iscsi-target from ports and have set up 3 
> > targets 
> > representing the 3 drives I wish to be connected to from A.
> > 
> > The Targets file:
> > # extents       file                    start   length
> > extent0         /dev/da1                0       465GB
> > extent1         /dev/da2                0       465GB
> > extent2         /dev/da3                0       465GB
> > 
> > # target        flags   storage         netmask
> > target0         rw      extent0
> > target1         rw      extent1
> > target2         rw      extent2
> > 
> > I then start up iscsi_target and all is good.
> > 
> > Now on A I have set up my /etc/iscsi.conf file as follows:
> > 
> > # cat /etc/iscsi.conf
> > data1 {
> >          targetaddress=
> >          targetname=iqn.1994-04.org.netbsd.iscsi-target:target0
> >          initiatorname=iqn.2005-01.il.ac.huji.cs::BSD-2-1.sven.local
> > }
> > data2 {
> >          targetaddress=
> >          targetname=iqn.1994-04.org.netbsd.iscsi-target:target1
> >          initiatorname=iqn.2005-01.il.ac.huji.cs::BSD-2-1.sven.local
> > }
> > data3 {
> >          targetaddress=
> >          targetname=iqn.1994-04.org.netbsd.iscsi-target:target2
> >          initiatorname=iqn.2005-01.il.ac.huji.cs::BSD-2-1.sven.local
> > }
> > 
> > So far so good, now come the issues. First of all, it would appear that 
> > with 
> > iscontrol one can only start one "named" session at a time; for example
> > /sbin/iscontrol -n data1
> > /sbin/iscontrol -n data2
> > /sbin/isconrtol -n data3
> > 
> > I guess that is ok, except that each invocation of iscontrol resets the 
> > other 
> > sessions. Here is the camcontrol and dmesg output from running the above 3 
> > commands.
> > 
> > # camcontrol devlist
> > <AMCC 9550SXU-8L DISK 3.08>        at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,da0)
> > <AMCC 9550SXU-8L DISK 3.08>        at scbus0 target 1 lun 0 (pass1,da1)
> > <AMCC 9550SXU-8L DISK 3.08>        at scbus0 target 2 lun 0 (pass2,da2)
> > <AMCC 9550SXU-8L DISK 3.08>        at scbus0 target 3 lun 0 (pass3,da3)
> > <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0>            at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (da5,pass5)
> > <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0>            at scbus1 target 1 lun 0 (da6,pass6)
> > <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0>            at scbus1 target 2 lun 0 (da4,pass4)
> > 
> > 
> > [ /sbin/iscontrol -n data1 ]
> > da4 at iscsi0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> > da4: <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> > 
> > [ /sbin/iscontrol -n data2 ]
> > (da4:iscsi0:0:0:0): lost device
> > (da4:iscsi0:0:0:0): removing device entry
> > da4 at iscsi0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> > da4: <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> > da5 at iscsi0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
> > da5: <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> > 
> > [ /sbin/iscontrol -n data3 ]
> > (da4:iscsi0:0:0:0): lost device
> > (da4:iscsi0:0:0:0): removing device entry
> > (da5:iscsi0:0:1:0): lost device
> > (da5:iscsi0:0:1:0): removing device entry
> > da4 at iscsi0 bus 0 target 2 lun 0
> > da4: <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> > da5 at iscsi0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> > da5: <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> > da6 at iscsi0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
> > da6: <NetBSD NetBSD iSCSI 0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
> > 
> > 
> > It would appear that rather than appending the new device to the end of the 
> > "da" 
> > devices, it starts to do some type of naming queue after the second device. 
> > If I am 
> > to use these devices in any type of automated setup, how can make sure that 
> > after 
> > these commands, "da6" will always be target 1 (i.e. /dev/da2 on the slave 
> > machine).
> > 
> > Next, there is no "startup" script for iscontrol - would that simply have 
> > to be 
> > added the system or is there a way with sysctl that it could be done. The 
> > plan here 
> > is use gmirror such that /dev/da1 on A is mirrored with the /dev/da1 on B 
> > using iscsi.
> Hi Sven,
>       I just tried it here, and it seems that at the end all is ok :-)
> I think the lost/removing/found has something to do to iscontrol calling
> camcontrol rescan - I will check this later, but the end result is that
> you should have all /dev/da's.
>       I don't see any reasonable safe way to tie a scsi# (/dev/dan),
> except to label (see glabel) the disk.
>       The startup script is, at the moment, not trivial, but I'm attaching
> it, so someone can suggest improvements :-)
> #!/bin/sh
> # PROVIDE: iscsi
> # KEYWORD: nojail shutdown
> #
> # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable iscsi:
> #
> # iscsi_enable="YES"
> # iscsi_fstab="/etc/fstab.iscsi"
> . /etc/rc.subr
> . /cs/share/etc/rc.subr
> name=iscsi
> rcvar=`set_rcvar`
> command=/sbin/iscontrol
> iscsi_enable=${iscsi_enable:-"NO"}
> iscsi_fstab=${iscsi_fstab:-"/etc/fstab.iscsi"}
> iscsi_exports=${iscsi_exports:-"/etc/exports.iscsi"}
> iscsi_debug=${iscsi_debug:-0}
> start_cmd="iscsi_start"
> faststop_cmp="iscsi_stop"
> stop_cmd="iscsi_stop"
> start_precmd="iscontrol_precmd"
> iscontrol_prog=${iscontrol_prog:-"iscontrol"}
> iscontrol_log=${iscontrol_log:-"/var/log/$iscontrol_prog"}
> iscontrol_syslog=${iscontrol_syslog:-"644  3     100  *     JC"}
> iscontrol_precmd()
> {
>     setup_syslog "$iscontrol_prog" "$iscontrol_log" "$iscontrol_syslog"
> }
> iscsi_wait()
> {
>     dev=$1
>     trap "echo 'wait loop cancelled'; exit 1" 2
>     count=0
>     while true; do
>       if [ -c $dev ]; then
>           break;
>       fi
>       if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
>            echo -n Waiting for ${dev}': '
>       fi
>       count=$((${count} + 1))
>       if [ $count -eq 6 ]; then
>           echo " Failed for dev=$dev"
>           return 0
>           break
>       fi
>       echo -n '.'
>       sleep 5;
>     done
>     echo "$dev ok."
>     return 1
> }
> iscsi_start()
> {
>     #
>     # load needed modules
>     for m in iscsi_initiator geom_label; do
>       kldstat -qm $m || kldload $m
>     done
>     sysctl debug.iscsi_initiator=$iscsi_debug
>     #
>     # start iscontrol for each target
>     if [ -n "${iscsi_targets}" ]; then
>       for target in ${iscsi_targets}; do
>           ${command} ${rc_flags} -n ${target}
>       done
>     fi
>     if [ -f "${iscsi_fstab}" ]; then
>       while read spec file type opt t1 t2
>       do
>         case ${spec} in
>         \#*|'')
>               ;;
>         *)
>               if iscsi_wait ${spec}; then
>                   break;
>               fi
>               echo type=$type spec=$spec file=$file
>               fsck -p ${spec} && mkdir -p ${file} && mount ${spec} ${file}
>               chmod 755 ${file} 
>               ;;
>         esac
>       done < ${iscsi_fstab} 
>     fi
>     if [ -f "${iscsi_exports}" ]; then
>       cat ${iscsi_exports} >> /etc/exports
>       #/etc/rc.d/mountd reload
>       kill -1 `cat /var/run/mountd.pid`
>     fi
> }
> iscsi_stop()
> {
>     echo 'iscsi stopping'
>     while read spec file type opt t1 t2
>       do
>         case ${spec} in
>         \#*|'')
>               ;;
>         *)
>               echo iscsi: umount $spec
>               umount -fv $spec
>               ;;
>         esac
>      done < ${iscsi_fstab} 
> }
> load_rc_config $name
> run_rc_command "$1"

Thanks for the script and information. I have found that so long as I
add the targets in the same order each time (i.e. iscontrol -n data1,
then data2, then data3) the actual scsi target will be the same even
though the device number will change. So if I do something like:
camcontrol devlist | grep "scbus1 target 0" | sed 's/^.*da\(.\).*/da\1/'
I can parse out the device number it was assigned.

After some other reports it would appear as though iscsi will not work
for my needs (which basically involves creating a mirrored
pool/filesystem spanning 2 machines) as iscsi will lock when the target
machine goes down. I will continue this in a new thread as it strays
from the question originally asked here.


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