Eugene Kazarinov wrote:
Dont know is this list right for this topic, but dont know witch one is.

I got 6.3-STABLE-200807-amd64-disc1.iso
I have installed it
cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui/
make install
make clean

#cvsup some-stable-sup-file
Connected to
Bus error (core dumped)

I cant get fresh src and ports trees and cant compile fresh 6.X-stable
system with athlon64 optimization. :(

How to fix cvsup?
How to keep src-tree of 6.x-stable up-to-date without working cvsup?
How to keep ports-tree up-to-date without working cvsup?

PS I manage about 10 servers under 6.x-stable and cvsup under 6.3-stable is
very important for me.
Pls help.

This problem has been reported a couple of times but it is not clear what change caused it. Someone needs to do a binary search of the kernel source changes to work out when it started, then we can determine how to fix it.


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