Hi everyone,

We got 4 new SuperMicro boxes[1] with Xeon 3320 processors. They'll be used as firewalls / very basic routers (our network on one side, the world via a /29 on the other side). We currently use Soekris and PC Engine boxes for this (with custom NanoBSD images), so this will be a bit of an upgrade. :-)

I was planning to install pfSense on them, but I'm losing faith in that a bit after figuring out that the pfSense project doesn't seem all that open[2]; so I'm considering just installing "plain FreeBSD 7" instead.

So the question: Would I be happier with 64 or 32bit FreeBSD? Our Linux application and database servers are all 64 bit, but they also have 32GB RAM each. The "firewall boxes" are probably vastly overdone with memory at 4GB each. :-)

A secondary question: Is the preferred way to upgrade a FreeBSD box still cd /usr/src; make update && make buildworld && ... ? (I mostly use FreeBSD for building my NanoBSD-flavor images these days, so I'm a bit out of touch).

  - ask

[1] http://www.siliconmechanics.com/i15328/xeon-3000.php
[2] http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,10769.0.html

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